John Matthews from Contador Accountancy Services is set to test his nerves on Wednesday 26th February when he undertakes a "Firewalk" for Suffolk Mind.
The East of England Co-Op are hosting a Firewalk at Ufford Park to help raise money for Suffolk Mind. Prominent local business people have been persuaded to gather for a trip across the hot coals.
Fire Walking is the practice of walking barefoot on hot embers. The challenge is designed to help transform fears and encourage participants to do things they didn’t think possible. Taking part in a Fire Walk will almost certainly show the participants that there is more to reality than they think and that the many limitations we experience are self-imposed.
John commented on his impending experience:
“There is a growing awareness on issues of mental health and wellbeing. I have seen family members and friends struggle to get support and help when going through difficult times. The support that agencies like Suffolk Mind can offer is invaluable. There seems to be more acceptance that people can more openly talk about the challenges that they may face at different times in their life and for those with long term conditions, help and support is vital.
The Fire Walk seems like a different type of challenge. Maybe I should have gone for a cake bake as a start! Hey ho!”
To donate visit Johns charity donation page https://www.suffolkmind.org.uk/product/john-matthews/